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French Spring Videos


Check out this list of French spring videos and resources for your classroom.

French Spring Videos: list of spring-themed videos for your French Immersion or Core French classrooms.

French Spring Videos

There are many ways to use videos in a language-learning classroom. I’ll mention one or two ideas for each video in this selection of French spring videos, but there are many more!

1. Henri Dès chante “C’est le Printemps”


This song is one of the fastest in this list, so watch it first before showing the video to your students. If they’re new to French, they might feel a bit overwhelmed by the speed.

You can use the lyrics for “C’est le printemps” to create a cloze activity. Print the lyrics, blank out some keywords, make copies and have students fill in the blanks while watching/listening to the video.


2. Le printemps, Matt Maxwell


This video displays the lyrics to the song along with the images, so that might come in handy if you’d like to have your students sing along, which is great to practice speaking/pronunciation.

Another way to use this video is by asking questions beforehand and having students find the answers in the video. Here are some sample questions:

– Quel bruit est-ce qu’on entend?

– Qu’est-ce que l’écureuil dit?

– Pourquoi est-ce qu’on dit “au revoir” aux manteaux d’hiver?

– Qu’est-ce que les grenouilles font sur l’étang?


3. Apprendre les animaux de la ferme en français


This is super cute video to introduce the names of farm animals in French.

If your students already know this vocabulary, you might have them practice a bit of writing. Just play the sound of the video (if you’re using a computer, use a sheet of paper to cover the screen) and have them write down the names of the animals as they hear them. It’s like a dictation, but the video is “dictating” the words. To correct, just play the video again with the images because the words are on the video and students can check the spelling.


4. La ferme de Papy Henri


This video also presents vocabulary for farm animals and also the verbs for the sounds they make.

You can have kids singing along since the lyrics are on the video.

Another idea that my students have always enjoyed a lot is a chain story. It will get your kids speaking and practicing the words and they won’t even notice it.

It goes like this:

– first student (or the teacher) says: “Dans notre ferme, les moutons bêlent.”

– second student repeats what first student said AND add to it: “Dans notre ferme, les moutons bêlent et les vaches beuglent.”

– third student repeats what second student said AND add to it: “Dans notre ferme, les moutons bêlent, les caches beuglent et les coqs chantent.”

And so on.

The animals don’t have to be called out in the same order as the video. Students have to use what they remember.

You might want to write the animal names and/or the verbs associated with them on the board so students can refer to them.

If they seem to have already gotten the new words, erase them and test students’ memory!

5. Compil’ de comptines des animaux de la ferme



This video is actually a compilation of short “comptine” videos about farm animals. Each comptine focuses on a single animal.

My favorite starts at around 3’25”. It’s about horses, colors, and rhymes. You can ask students to come up with different destinations for different color horses.


6. Dans la ferme de Mathurin


This is the French version for “Old McDonald had a farm”, but you already know that!

It can be used as a follow-up activity for video #5. You can have students use the verbs they practiced in that video to describe what animals are doing (the sound they’re making) in the video.


7. Comptinette de la grenouille


This video will get your “petits” students practicing French AND moving. The idea is for them to follow the movements of the person in the video while singing the song.

It’s a “calm” brain break that will provide the body work your kids need without getting them too excited later!


Hope you have enjoyed this list of French Spring videos!


French Spring Resources: spring-themed resources for your French classroom!


And if you’re looking for classroom resources, be sure to download our Free French Spring eBook: Tips & Freebies!

It’s full of tips and links to 18 FRENCH FREEBIES!

Free French Spring eBook
Free French Spring eBook – with links to 18 freebies


If you know a video that I should add to this list of French spring videos, leave a comment or email me 🙂

Thank you for reading!

Read: FREE Antonym and Synonym Posters in French

Read: Au Printemps Slideshare and FREE Spring Printables


French Spring Videos: list of spring-themed videos for your French Immersion or Core French classrooms.

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