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Free French Boom Cards™: cartes Boom gratuites


You might have heard of Boom Cards by now and you might even have used some of my Boom bundles in your classroom. Kids love Boom Cards so much that they actually ask for more, so today I’m here to share a list of the most amazing FREE French Boom Cards you can use in your classroom.

List of FREE French Boom Cards: des cartes Boom gratuites

Free French Boom Cards: cartes Boom gratuites en français

There are more and more teachers creating Boom Cards in French and I’m super happy about it because French teachers don’t usually find the same amount of quality resources in French as they’d find in English. You know that’s one of the reasons I create French resources: to make French teachers’ lives easier.

I’ve organized this post and tried to categorize the decks to make it simpler for you to find what would be useful for you and your students.

I’ll list the French Boom decks by topic or subject.

I’ll add the grade range after the title between square brackets: for example, [K, 1, 2] or [4, 5, 6]

When the deck includes audio, I’ll indicate it between parentheses before the title: (with audio)


French Sight Words: mots fréquents

(with audio) Listen, drag and drop: at the beach [1,2]

(with audio) Listen, drag and drop: aliens [1,2]

(with audio) Listen and click on the right word [1,2]

(with audio) Listen and build the words with “digital magnetic letters” [1, 2, 3]

(with audio) Listen to the pronunciation of 200 words [K, 1, 2]


Les couleurs

(with audio instructions) Click on the matching color [preK, K]

(with audio) Listen and build the words [1, 2]

Read and choose the right sentence about the color of fish [1, 2]

(with audio) Listen and choose the right word [1, 2]

(with audio) Match image and written word to the sound [1, 2, 3]


French Grammar: la grammaire

Present Tense Irregular Verbs: avoir, être, faire, aller [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Les pronoms personnels: write it [2, 3, 4]

Le passé composé: avoir ou être [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

L’impératif présent [4, 5, 6, 7]

Le verbe «prendre» au présent [8, 9, 10, 11, 12]


Other Literacy Decks

Le son initial [K, 1]

La famille (family vocabulary) [3, 4, 5, 6]



Read: Ways to use Boom Cards for distance learning



Math in French

Plus grand que / plus petit que [preK, K, 1]

Ten-frame Counting: count and type [preK, K]

Ten-frame Counting: count and click the written number word [K, 1]

Lire l’heure à la demie près [1,2]

Quelle est la fraction [1,2]

Arrondir des nombres décimaux [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


I hope you’ve found great free French Boom Cards to add to your Boom Library!

Oh, and my goal is to keep adding links to this post, so bookmark it and check on it often.


Thank you for stopping by.




Read: French Listening Assessment Ideas

Read: French Distance Learning Games


List of FREE French Boom Cards: des cartes Boom gratuites


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